
With the rise of apps, games, tablets, smart phones and social networking sites, parents often ask us for advice about setting boundaries in their child's digital world.
We are committed to safeguarding our pupils and supporting parents so that they can help their children to make the most of digital technology and deal with the challenges that can arise.

The pupils follow a number of rules to help them use technology safely:

  • We use the school computers and the internet for learning.
  • These rules will help us to be fair to others and keep everyone safe.
  • I will not tell anyone my password.
  • If I think someone knows my password I will tell a teacher straight away.
  • I will not look at or delete other people's files.
  • I will only use the computers at school when a member of staff is present and has said I can.
  • I will not use text talk on my web pages or in emails.
  • I will not send nasty or teasing messages to people.
  • I will not give out my home address or any phone number or arrange to meet anyone over the internet, even a friend.
  • If I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive a message I do not like I will tell a teacher as soon as I can.
  • I know that the school can check my messages, emails and web pages and my computer files.
  • I understand that if I deliberately break these rules, I could be stopped from using computers at school.

At Radstock Primary School, e-safety and Internet safety is taught through PSHE and Computing lessons throughout the school. This is in line with our PSHE, our Internet Safety and our Computing policy.

There are two particular times of year when we focus on Internet Safety. The first is at the beginning of each academic year, when we remind the children of the rules. Often we will give time in the Computing lesson to explore some of the interactive sites on e-safety. The second is during the week of Safer Internet Day.

During Safer Internet Day, classes use the resources and lesson plans from the SID website (which can be found here) in order to fully embed the aforementioned rules and promote positive online learning behaviours. 


Useful Sites for Parents and Children

A list of useful websites can be found using the drop-down link in the menu. Alternatively, click here to go to the page.


Search Engines for Primary Education

While no search engine can be 100% safe, we have (in collaboration with Wokingham computing network leaders) put together a list of safe search engines which we encourage the children to use both in school and at home. The link to the page can be found using the drop-down menu, or by clicking here.